Ransomware Virus Spreading Via Direct Facebook Messaging:
Cyber criminals are now spreading Ransomware viruses directly to Donegal computer users by using there Facebook messenger service. The Trojan virus is sent as an innocent looking file ending in a “.zip” file or “.svg” file extension from a known contact in your list. It can be named anything but examples such as “image_***.svg” along with messages underneath to get your attention such as “LOL”, “OMG”, “I CAN’T BELIEVE SOMEONE POSTED THIS” have been used.
What is .svg and .zip anyway?
.svg file is an graphics/image format and .zip is a format used to compress files to make them smaller more compact and quicker to send, if you receive a file like this in Facebook messenger DO NOT OPEN IT OR CLICK ON IT. If you do a Ransomware Trojan virus that will encrypt ALL the files on your computer will run on your system and automatically send it to all your contacts in your own Facebook list to do the same to there computers.
They will then try and hold you to Ransom by making you pay them anything from €100 to €10,000 to unlock your files and get you to pay via bitcoin or by other untraceable online payment transfer services.
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